American Institutes For Research &Ndash; Making Research Relevant An independent, not-for-profit corporation which performs basic and applied research, provides technical support, and conducts analyses in the behavioral and social sciences for government and the private sector. Social Science Research Network (Ssrn) Home Page Leading Social Science Research Delivered To Your DeskTop Daily. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks. Keywords: accounting research network , arn , economics research network E-Team: Ou Educational Training Evaluation Assessment And Measurement Departmen E-TEAM is a program evaluation unit at the University of Oklahoma. We design and implement custom studies to meet customer needs. Services include: research/evaluation design, data collection, analysis, reporting, needs assessments, grant writing, etc. Site Listings American Institutes For Research &Ndash; Making Research Relevant An independent, not-for-profit corporation which performs basic and applied research, provides technical support, and conducts analyses in the behavioral and social ... Social Science Research Network (Ssrn) Home Page Leading Social Science Research Delivered To Your DeskTop Daily. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social ... Keywords: accounting research network , arn , economics research network E-Team: Ou Educational Training Evaluation Assessment And Measurement Departmen E-TEAM is a program evaluation unit at the University of Oklahoma. We design and implement custom studies to meet customer needs. Services include: research/evaluation ... Add Url or Add Site to Submit Site to the Research Directory |